Thursday, May 21, 2009

Just ordered my book...

Should be 2-5 days before Shadowland is in. Amazon has "like new" copies for 0.01$ plus 4 bucks s&h. I'm going to purchase Living Biblically at a local bookstore because Amazon is all out! Let's read Shadowland first and if we race through it we'll have something else ready. It is summertime, anyway. I'm psyched. Thanks for sticking with this (Amy, Dano, Mom, Kir{duh}).


  1. Ordered my copy through talking leaves, gonna be in next week. I think this will be the type of story I'll read right through cause well scary things will continue to scare me until I've reached the conclusion.

  2. i am really excited to start this book. they didn't have a copy at the liverpool library. i have really high hopes fot this one...i guess i'll find out when my inter library loans becomes avalialbe.

  3. i got the book today! it looks so great i might have to sleep with my light on! heh.

  4. kd..any summer wine recommendations?

  5. amy..wanna drink kd's summer wine recommendations at my house?
